CASE Study - Skraldedariet

How can creative experiments with waste and upcycling enable children to learn about circular economy?


Bornholm Waste company BOFA runs one of Denmark’s most comprehensive ressource educations for children in primary schools. The programme is so succesful that BOFA has run out of space in their educative showroom in the “waste tower” in Rønne.

To support the continued development of the programme as well as hosting events and tours for visiting groups and delegations BOFA is working to establish a new building facility with workshop premises for upcycling and knowledge about ressources in waste and circular economy.


Together with the architectural upcycling specialists at Lendager Group we developed a prospect with concept and business plan for an experimental educative showroom titled “Skraldedariet”.

The work included ideation workshops and interviews with key personel for identifying the right ideas that were consequently sketched into a coherent concept with circular economy and upcycling as the key theme.

To create the economic momentum for building the premises as well as running the facility a business model was created that leveraged financial support from public sources combined with partnerships for content and sponsorships from private companies.


The outcome of the process was a detailed prospect report with concept descriptions, a roadmap for realisation with milestones, budgets and a financial plan.

The work has afterwards been applied to seek economic support to realise the project from foundations and partners.

The development work was sponsored and supported with guidance from Danish philanthropic foundation Realdania.

Client: BOFA together with Realdania

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